Swach Jal Swasth Jan

Development of any society and improvement of quality of life of each people depends on several factors, which includes good hygiene practices,clean drinking water and

access to the proper sanitation facilities. But these issues did not receive due priority in developmental planning earlier. However, in the interest of sustainable development this could not be ignored for long. These became a priority agenda of the Government.

Since 2010 Samanvit Shiksha Sansthan (SSS) incorporation with Citizens First Inc. (USA based NGO) has providing services to the community in the field of Sanitation, Hygiene and Clean Drinking Water. Under the project title “Swach Jal Swasth Jan” we have organized several awareness programs in schools and community. We helped the rural villages of Jhunjhunu Dist., Rajasthan by providing Water Purifier Plants to 3 locations Kaliyasar, Kohri & Badhe to turn highly fluoride infected water into drinking water. We have also received awareness program on Sanitation and hygiene practices from Public Health Engineering Department (PHED),Panipat, Haryana.

Facilitate the clean drinking water in Jhunjhunu Dist., Rajasthan