India has the largest population of adolescents which includes young girls in the world being home to 243 million individuals aged 10-19 years, constitutes 20 per cent of the world’s 1.2 billion adolescents. Within the family, compared to boys, the girls’ health, nutrition, education & development are more neglected which has adverse effect on reproductive health. Young girls face more problems than boys, largely due to socio- cultural factors. There are limited choices available for the
future & girls are caught in the cycle of early marriage, pregnancy & childbearing. Education regarding the nutrition & other health aspect during study period will help the young college girls for their future life. In spite of many efforts from different governmental & non governmental
agencies focusing on different health aspects, this young population, especially the girls, is deprived of the basic health care & awareness.
Samanvit Shiksha Sansthan believe that future of the society depends on the young people as they form a great human resource for the society specially women’s, child and adolescent girls. We started creating awareness among women’s and adolescent girls in the field of health and nutrition under the project title “Sarva Sampann”.
Health and Nutritional meeting with community women