Delhi –
HIV Awareness Program : SSS organize several HIV Awareness Camp in East Delhi and North-East Delhi From last 5 year we are receiving HIV awareness program from Delhi State Aids Control Society (DSACS) for schools, Construction Sites, Slums and JJ Cluster area of East Delhi.
Uttar Pradesh :
Ssamanvit Shiksha Sansthan has adopted a premises where School and Madarsa is running. SSS providing all type of support to the school management. Every Month two times SSS organize a health checkup program in school.
Clean (Purify) Drinking Water : One of the most serious problems in India is access to clean drinking water and Sanitation. Nearly 226 million people in the country do not have access to safe drinking water.
If we compare water supply in rural and urban India, then half of the water supply is contaminated with toxic bacteria and in most of the rural areas even people do not have this option to enjoy.
After the association with Citizen’s First Inc. – USA & Ssamanvit Shiksha Sansthan has installed 6 water purifier plant in district Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. We are also trying to implement this project to other states (Delhi, U.P., Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh).
Ministry of Rural Development
Youth Empowerment : Ssamanvit Shiksha Sansthan has developed a computer training center. We will implement Govt. of India Scheme, Swarnjyanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY). This scheme is running under the Ministry of Rural Development.
Skill Training & Capacity Building Program : Ssamanvit Shiksha Sansthan has started a skill training and capacity building program in Delhi / NCR for the better livelyhood.